Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Written Words Used as Propaganda

Written Word Used as Propaganda The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave is an account of Frederick Douglass’ life written in a very detached and objective tone. One might find this normal for a historical account of the events of someone’s life if not for the fact that the narrative was written by Frederick Douglass himself. Frederick Douglass used this tone purposefully in an attempt to use his narrative as propaganda to convince others to join in the abolitionist’s movement. According to Donna Woolfolk Cross in â€Å"Propaganda: How not to be Bamboozled,† propaganda is â€Å"simply a means of persuasion† (149). She further notes that we are subjected daily to propaganda in one form or another as advertisers, politicians, and even our friends attempt to persuade us to use their product, vote for them, or adopt their point of view. Propaganda is usually considered in a negative sense. However, when viewing propaganda as just persuasion, one can readily appreciate that it is neither good nor evil; the good/evil effect is the direct result of the purpose for which it is used. Politicians and leaders have used propaganda to further their goals; Hitler’s use of propaganda as a means of controlling the population of Germany is the most recognizable example of propaganda used for evil. Martin Luther King’s â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech, in which he urges non-violent resistance in the cause of racial equality, portrays persuasion used with good intentions. Although speeches are highly effective at delivering ideas, the written word can be even more influential. In the early days of America, literature was used extensively as a means of persuasion. As early as 1589 Richard Hakluyt published stories in a book he wrote for the sole purpose of persuading people to sail to America and settle land. These stories which were told to Hakluyt by captains and sailors appeared to be straightforward and narrative, however Hakluyt edited each piece so that he was able to successfully persuade the people who read his stories to sail to America and settle the land thus securing critical natural resources for England. Such was the goal with the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. Douglass’ objective was to appeal to the middle-class people of that time and persuade them to join in the movement. Although the Narrative was ostensibly written to prove that Douglass had actually been a slave, Douglass, working for the abolitionist group headed by William Lloyd Garrison, wrote for a specific audience: white Puritan Christians whom the abolitionists hoped to convert to their way of thinking. Thus, what began as a telling of his life experiences evolved into a tool of persuasion. As with all propaganda, Douglass’ Narrative contains certain elements that appeal to the emotions of the reader. Douglass’ writing style was descriptive as well as convincing. This emotional hold allows the writer to sway the opinion of the reader. His horrific details of the time, helped him grasp the attention of the women who he hoped in turn would convince their husbands to help, by donating money and eventually ending slavery. He used his words effectively in convincing the readers that the slave owners were inhuman and showed how they had no feelings for other human beings as evident when he wrote: ‘The louder she screamed the harder he whipped; and where the blood ran fastest, there he whipped longest† (Douglass25). Although a self-taught writer and orator, Douglass makes use of sophisticated elements of persuasive writing. Simultaneously, he chooses these events for how they will affect the Northern audience’s opinion of Southern slaveholders. Considering the fact that this was written during the height of the abolition movement the novel had to be effective in order to advance the success of the movement. The distant tone was effective because if Douglass had written with an impassioned tone, readers would have noticed it and simply wrote it off as a biased work, unable to see the issue from both sides. Through personal anecdotes, Douglass draws an accurate picture of slave life. Douglass also shows that slavery was not a constant source of pain and suffering: â€Å"I was not old enough to work in the fields, and there being little else than field work to do, I had a great deal of leisure time,† (Douglass 71). This is effective in proving his point because it allows him to show the whole of slavery and not be biased in his views. Douglass uses family relationships, starting with his own birth, to gain the compassion of his target audience. â€Å"Frequently, before the child has reached its twelfth month, its mother is taken from it, and hired out on some farm a considerable distance off, and the child is placed under the care of an old woman, too old for field labor† (749). Douglass mentions this particular anecdote to specifically capture the compassion of his targeted audience; white women. In Douglass’ autobiography however, the elements alone do not prove his intent to write for any reason other than to prove his background as a slave and defend his credibility against the critics of the abolitionists that charge that Douglass could never have been born a slave as he claimed (McKivigan 18). The most convincing argument for the contention that this was written as propaganda is the manner in which the persuasive elements are used. The body of the narrative is written in a simple and straightforward manner; the story is told quite matter-of-factly, even the horrific scenes of the cruel beatings and killings of slaves. This lack of histrionics is true even when the targets of the overseers’ whips are Douglass’ own family members. Yet, when Douglass speaks of Southern Christianity defending slavery, he works himself into a fury of emotion and uses the more obvious elements of propaganda. When he writes of the religious practices and hypocrisy of the same slaveholders, he again reverts to persuasive rhetoric. Some chapters are genuine throughout, while others contain much propaganda. One segment in particular, that having to do with the fate of his grandmother, is written in a style that is not consistent with the rest of the book. Rather, extremely histrionic, in which the believable, factual Douglass disappears, and is replaced by someone writing solely for effect â€Å"My dear old grandmother, whom you turned out like an old horse to die in the woods-is she still alive?.. Send me my grandmother! † (Preston 167). It appears that Frederick Douglass did begin his autobiography with the intention of writing his story in a realistic manner; the basic narrative bears that out. But in the course of writing his intent strayed, and he became aware of the power that could be unleashed by inflaming the emotions of readers. Undoubtedly encouraged in his use persuasive rhetoric on an oratory level, he eventually created a masterpiece of propaganda. Works Cited Douglass, Frederick. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. New York: Signet, 1968. Douglass, Frederick. A Slaves Family Life†. Thinking and Writing About Literature. A Text and Anthology. Ed. Michael Meyer. New York: Bedford/St. Martins, 2001. 749. Cross, Donna Woolfolk. â€Å"Propaganda: How not to be Bamboozled. † Language Awareness. Ed. Paul Escholz, et al. New York: St Martins Press, 1994. 149. McKivigan, John R. , ed. Frederick Douglass. People Who Made History. Michigan: Greenhaven Press/Thomas Gale, 2004. Preston, Dickson J. Young Fredrick Douglass The Maryland Years. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Acme Fireworks Prospectus Essay

Acme Fireworks is a fireworks retailer that sells fireworks, puts on ground display fireworks, and large aerial displays fireworks. Acme Fireworks has been a sole proprietorship since it began two years ago. At this time the owner is receiving inquiries as to Acme Fireworks ability to create fireworks displays on a regular basis. CITATION Rog12 l 1033 (Rogers, 2012). In anticipation of increased business, the owner of Acme Fireworks is in need of some information. This prospectus is going to inform the owner as to: Whether or not the business will be governed by common law or the Uniform Commercial Code. Analyze whether or not the owner has any actual contracts. Explain the potential personal liability to Acme Fireworks is someone is injured by a stray firework. Discuss different employment types while discussing the advantages and disadvantages of each type as it applies to Acme Fireworks. And finally, give suggestions as to why Acme Fireworks should no longer be a sole proprietorship. When it comes to contracts, it is important to understand that there are two different bodies of law that come into play, the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and the common law of contracts. The difference between the UCC and the common law contract can make a huge difference in the outcome of a contract dispute. This could be the difference between being able to collect punitive damages, discharge or modify a contract, be able to sue under breach of contract, and whether or not there truly a legally recognizable contract after all CITATION Gun12 l 1033 (Denton, 2012). It is important to understand the type of contract governed by each body of law. The UCC applies to the sale of goods and securities, and common law of contracts applies to contracts for services, real estate, insurance, intangible assets, and employment CITATION Gun12 l 1033 (Denton, 2012). If the contract should happen to be for both  the sale of goods and for securities, the dominant element would be in control of the contract CITATION Gun12 l 1033 (Denton, 2012). Should Acme Fireworks have contracts with the inquiring businesses, these contracts would be governed under UCC rule. The contracts would be for both goods and services with goods being the dominant factor of the contracts. There would be more fireworks than there would be personnel. Hence, this would be the reasoning for a UCC contract. In order for the owner to have valid contracts with inquiring businesses there are five elements that must be present in order for the contracts to be valid. First there must be an offer. An offer is an invitation for another to enter into a contract CITATION Rog12 l 1033 (Rogers, 2012).Then there is the need for acceptance. Acceptance is the acquiescence to enter into a contract CITATION Rog12 l 1033 (Rogers, 2012). Then there is consideration. Consideration is anything of legal value that is asked for and received as the price for entering into a contract CITATION Rog12 l 1033 (Rogers, 2012). Now there is legality. Legality is the extent to which the contract is legal and not against public policy CITATION Rog12 l 1033 (Rogers, 2012). Finally, there is capacity. Capacity is the mental competency to enter into a contract CITATION Rog12 l 1033 (Rogers, 2012). Considering Acme Firework’s new â€Å"contracts†; Was there an offer? No, there was not an offer. The businesses were making inquiries, asking questions trying to find out what Acme Fireworks could handle. Was the acceptance? No, there was no acceptance. There were no contracts offered, therefore nothing to accept. Was there consideration? No, there was no consideration. Pricing of the firework displays was talked about, but that was j ust information given to answer question f the inquiry. Is there legality? Yes, when the contracts are made they will be legal as they will not be against public policy. Is there capacity? Yes, there is capacity. It is safe to assume that the owner of Acme Fireworks and the owners of the other businesses are of sound mind and body therefore able to enter into legally binding contracts. So, did the owner have enforceable contracts? No, he did not. While there was legality and capacity; there was no offer, acceptance, or consideration present. Fireworks displays are beautiful and exciting, but they are also very dangerous. The operator of a fireworks display has a duty to fireworks are done in a safe way that does not injure spectators CITATION All13 l 1033  (Business, 2013). To successfully sue a promoter of a firework display, it must be shown that the promoter failed to keep spectators at a reasonable safe distance CITATION All13 l 1033 (Business, 2013). In order to sue the operator of a firework display it must be shown that the spectator was injured by the discharge of a fireworks or firework that did not explode properly CITATION All13 l 1033 (Business, 2013). Should an injury occur neg ligence by the operator is presumed, as the operator is in sole control of firing the fireworks. Essentially, Acme Fireworks is going to want any such liabilities to be the responsibility of the company and not result in personal liability. Being a sole proprietorship Acme Fireworks will be liable for all debts and claims against the business. A lawsuit of this type could be financially devastating. However, should Acme Fireworks take the time and effort to incorporate or to form a Limited Liability Company they would more than likely be protected to a significant degree from such personal injury CITATION All13 l 1033 (Business, 2013) Should these contracts come into being, Acme Fireworks will need to hire more employees. But which type of employee should Acme Fireworks employ? The full-time employee works regular and on-going, between 35-45 hours a week, which includes non-wage entitlements and benefits like paid holiday leave, sick leave, and long service leave CITATION ASU14 l 1033 (ASU, 2014). Part-time permanent work is regular and on-going, involves fewer hours than full-time and usually has set days or set hours. No benefits and entitlements are received by part-time employees. Casual work is on-going and involves irregular hours and hourly pay. Casual workers work on an as needed basis, which means that they work when they are needed CITATION ASU14 l 1033 (ASU, 2014). Th ere are no entitlements for casual workers since the entitlements are factored into 20% of the higher hourly rate that casual workers receive CITATION ASU14 l 1033 (ASU, 2014). Casuals usually receive hourly rates of pay based on a minimum 15% loading of normal or applicable hourly rates of pay CITATION ASU14 l 1033 (ASU, 2014). Fixed term or contract employees are hired for a fixed period of time for a specific project or to replace an employee on sick leave or paternal leave CITATION ASU14 l 1033 (ASU, 2014). This type of employee would need an agreement in writing that sets out the length of the employment contract. Fixed term employees are entitled to the same annual personal and other leave as  full-time employees, but on a proportional basis for the period of their employment CITATION ASU14 l 1033 (ASU, 2014) Piecework and commission only payment employees rather than being paid a wage or salary are paid by: Piecework – the paying f a specific amount for completing a specific task. Commission – the paying of a percentage for each sale made Retainer plus commission – the paying of a fixed amount plus commission. Should Acme Firew orks decide to hire more employees, my suggestion would be to hire casual workers. Casual workers do not expect to work all the time they work when they are needed. They would not have to give them any entitlements just work. Should Acme Fireworks become so busy that they are working everyday then they might want to get some full time workers. But, as of right now go with the casual workers. Acme Fireworks has been a sole proprietorship since it began two years ago. As a sole proprietorship all liabilities for finances and operations are on the owner. The owner’s personal property is tied to the business, so the owner assumes a risk against his personal property should the business experience financial hardship. Profits and losses of the business are reported through the owner and are taxed at the individual rate. The sole proprietorship entity is the easiest entity to set up, but the owner will probably have to sell the business to retrieve his investment. Should Acme Fireworks become a partnership? A partnership has two or more owners that share equal control, unless the partnership agreement says otherwise or the entity is set up as a limited partnership CITATION Phi14 l 1033 (Phillips, 2014). L ike a sole partnership, profits and losses of the business flow through the partners and are taxed at the individual rate. Operating partners assume risks, both legally and financially. Creditors can attempt to collect debts from the partner’s personal assets CITATION Phi14 l 1033 (Phillips, 2014). To recoup their investment the partner is required to sell his interest in the business. With the potential for devastatingly high personal injury claims, this entity would not be the one for Acme Fireworks. This entity jeopardizes the personal assets of the businesses owners. A corporation? A corporation can have an unlimited number of owners, known as shareholders. This business entity remains separate from the owners in legal and financial matters CITATION Phi14 l 1033 (Phillips, 2014). The profits and losses of a corporation are taxed at corporate rates, not individual rates. Should the  corporation realize a profit it is paid out to the shareholders who then report it as income and pay taxes on it at an individual rate CITATION Phi14 l 1033 (Phillips, 2014). Corporations are taxed twice, once at the time of profits and losses and then again when the shareholders realize the dividends. Or a limited liability company? This entity is a partnership and a corporation mixed together. Owners are protected from personal liability like a corporation, but enjoy the tax advantages similar to a partnership. The LLC would be the entity I would suggest for Acme Fireworks due to the ability to be free from personal liability and the ability to be taxed at the lower partnership rate. References: BIBLIOGRAPHY l 1033 ASU. (2014). Employment Type Defin itions & Eligibility Summary. Retrieved from ASU: Business, A. (2013, July 13). Fireworks Displays. Retrieved from Avoiding Personal Liability: Denton, G. &. (2012). Thwe difference between a contract that falls undert the UCC and one that does not and why it is important to you. Retrieved from Gunderson & Denton at Law: Phillips, C. (2014). Three Types of Business Entity. Retrieved from Small Business: Rogers, S. (2012). Essentials of Bussiness Law. San Diego: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Fashion and art in the last decades of the twentieth century Essay

Fashion and art in the last decades of the twentieth century - Essay Example The paper "Fashion and art in the last decades of the twentieth century" concerns the art and fashion in the context of the twentieth century. When the word fashion is mentioned, the thing that first comes to mind is the flash of colors and the dashes of glamour but fashion has more to do with ideas: ideas that pop up when one is walking in the streets, the way that we live our lives as well as what is happening of late. Fashion for many people is clothes that people wear but the truth of matter surrounding the whole concept is different as this analytic essay will further illustrate. Art can be described as an expression of the human skills as well as imaginations in a form that may either be visual, in that the art may be painted, sculptured or adored as well as appreciated for the aesthetic powers that it posses. One of the things that we can establish from the definition of art is that it comes a great deal close to what fashion can be described as apart from the way that the two are expressed physically. As an underlying similarity, we see that art and fashion are both involved in the ‘expression of one’s ideas’. By the definition what most people believe fashion is, the latest styling of hair, clothes as well as decoration and behavior, it cannot be described as an art due to the fact that an art can be described as an application or an expression of the ‘existent human skills’. As well as imagination so as to come up with something that can be described as breathtaking significance.... The world is in constant change and art as well as fashion an be in some detail be described as a culture. One of the basic things that make fashion more of an art is the sense that since the 20th century, art has been increasingly used as a form of expression as art is in a lot of ways. One of the reasons that the lines between fashion and art are blurring are due to the fact that fashion as to the levels that it has reached today since the 20th century is one of the most obtainable forms of what we can call art today due to the fact that it is one of the most basic things that we as humans use so as in the identification of the identities of others as well as an expression of our own4. Fashion or even art in this matter is difficult due to the fact that over the long periods of time that the word has been used, different implications have been used throughout times in history due to the ‘changes in social customs’ as well as the people that are existent in different st ructures of the society (Stecker, 1996). An example on the expounding of the latter statement is that presently, fashion occupies what can be described in the modern day as the center ground for the understanding of the present day culture. The evolution of art and fashion Times have evolved and as of late, everything as we know it is becoming more modern, starting from the simple basics such as the way that we think to almost all of the things that we do. Art can now be categorized as a broader term and as opposed to what many people think, it might not always have to involve the use of a paper and a pencil. Artists as well as the fashion designers throughout many instances in history have come to appreciate

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Fundamental of Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Fundamental of Finance - Essay Example In our case, proposal A takes 4 years to recover the investment and proposal B takes only 3 years for the recovery of such investment. Accordingly the proposal B is ranked above the proposal A. The limitation in this method is that it does not consider time value of money. Net present value is a discounted cash flow approach to capital budgeting. â€Å"If the present value of future cash flow is greater than the initial cost, the project is worth undertaking. On the other hand, if the present value is less than the initial cost, a project should be rejected because investor would lose money if the project were accepted.†(Angelico A. Groppelli and Ehsan Nikbakhat, page 159)ii Assessing from this point of view, both proposal have a positive net present value. But as the net present value of proposal A is more than that of proposal B. Accordingly NPV method ranks proposal A ahead of proposal B. There are various shortcomings in methods of evaluation of capital projects that do not consider time value of money. It is generally felt that discounted cash flow methods provide a more objective basis for evaluating and selecting investment projects. These methods take account of both the magnitude and the timings of expected cash flows in each period of project’s life. Internal rate of return, like net present value method, is such a method that uses the discounted cash flow criteria to evaluate different capital projects. â€Å"The IRR for an investment is the discount (interest) rate that will make the present (or discounted) value of the cash flows from the operation equal to the initial outlay of the investment. An IRR above the minimum rate of return specified by management (called hurdle rate) is considered acceptable. When mutually exclusive projects are being compared, the project with highest IRR will be preferred.† (Ralph S.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Some questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Some questions - Essay Example This includes the right to education, religion, and matrimony. The right to live and to have free speech in order to be heard and be heard truly with an understanding and open mind. And most importantly, the right to be respected at all times as humans, whether man or woman. The issue between genders have always been a controversy; as to who the â€Å"stronger laborer or the main economic contributor is†. (Byrne 132) Women have stood behind men for decades: a norm for them to serve under the towering image of their male counterparts. Not until recent years did women fight for their rights to be heard asking for society to uphold them. Through this, contemporary feminism has altered the debate on human rights in several different ways. They have risen to several different occasions to be the most powerful voice in the nation; rising to the challenge of political, environmental and at the same time economic agendas both in the entire nation and within their private spaces. If th e country’s leaders would support their objectives, not only will women be heard but every individual fighting for their human rights as well. Now, as the most powerful country in the world, to whom every nation look up to, the US should lead by example actively performing and promoting the rights of every individual no matter the status or gender. They should not limit themselves to laws and leave this responsibility to the UN. As an active member of this organization, it should empower the UN to ask everyone to actively participate in the promotion of human rights. It should not stop at being just a member but instead push forward to reach further in creating a greater impact in the entire world; thereby starting within the confines of its constitution leading by example and mandating respect towards every individual rights. Prejudice refers to attitudes of aversion and hostility toward the members of a group simply because they belong to it and hence are

McDonald's Advertising Campaign Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

McDonald's Advertising Campaign - Term Paper Example The current Mcdonald’s advertising campaign is referred to as the ‘I’m lovin’ it’ campaign. This campaign extends to international borders and has been implemented in virtually every advertising medium available within the contemporary media climate. While many might have expected this advertising campaign to be developed by an American firm, in actuality it was constructed by an advertising agency located in Unterhaching, Germany referred to as DDB Worldwide Communications Group, Inc. Rather than debuting the campaign in the United States, the ‘I’m lovin’ it’ campaign was debuted in Australia and that later throughout parts of Europe and ultimately the United States. It seems in structuring the campaign in such a way McDonald’s was able to in a sense test out their advertising and fine-tune its various elements before debuting it in the larger Western markets. This strategy has a number of beneficial elements, namel y that despite pre-debut polling and surveys, the actual reception of the marketing campaign is not entirely discernable until after it is received within the public context; as a result numerous logistical and thematic errors can be worked out before it ultimately hits the most pivotal Western market. When it finally did debut in the USA on June 29, 2003 it did so with a large amount of fanfare. During its debut the campaign slogan was accompanied by the music of Tom Batoy and Franco Tortora (Mona Davis Music) and vocals by Justin Timberlake. In including such a large name (indeed, Justin Timberlake was at the top of the pop culture world at the time of this campaign) allowed McDonalds to significantly establish their new message and distinguish it from past advertising incarnations (Dicker 2010). In these regards, the debut functions as more than just a means of drawing significant attention to the product (which is one of the primary concerns), but it also functions to draw atten tion to the significant shift in tone and message from previous McDonald’s campaigns. This is important as it indicates that the campaign often does not simply signify a renewed approach to promotion, but oftentimes represents a philosophical shift in the nature of nature of the company’s vision. As advertising campaigns are implemented they oftentimes have been demonstrated to make subtle shifts within their production mechanisms. The McDonald’s ‘I’m Lovin It’ campaign is ne exception in these regards. Despite debuting with one set slogan and approach to promotion as the campaign progressed new forms of presentation were included; for instance, in 2007 a public casting call was issued which resulted in nearly 15,000 applicants (‘The Latest from McDonald’s’). From this pool twenty-four were selected and integrated into the advertising campaign. These individuals’ images and themes of inspiration were implemented on McDonald’s products throughout the world. This last method was a highly effective means of altering the campaign through becoming more directly involved in the customer’s perspective. Rather than simply relying on ad executives to determine what constitutes effective promotion, allowing actual customers to become involved functions to create a sort of raw and direct appeal to the audience. This method went beyond traditional television and print advertising, truly

Friday, July 26, 2019

Biology Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Biology - Lab Report Example After the conflict, the aggressor scratched itself several times than before the conflict and the rate of scratching decreased after the conflict resolution. The monkeys then demonstrated affinitive interactions between the former opponents as compared to a third party. The monkey’s behavior on conflict resolution impacted positively on our family. They demonstrated that conflicts if solved well can result into better understanding between people without resulting into enmity. This demonstrated the importance of solving conflicts in the family issues instead of leaving them unattended. The Macaca fascicularies also influenced my family perception towards monkeys and other wild animals. Prior to the vacation, my family had not interacted with monkeys before as we used to fear them. When we toured the rainforest, we found out that the monkeys were friendly and they were even kept as pets by the locals. We played with the monkeys and gave them bananas as food. This interaction influenced my family perception towards the monkey. The monkeys also changed our family diet during the vacation. The locals were taking the Macaca fascicularies as food. The diet was also found in many restaurants menu near the rainy forest. My family tried the menu and we found to be very sweet. The diet was then included in my family diet for the rest of our stay in guinea. The interaction with the monkeys influenced my family choice of holiday destinations once we returned home. To have a clue on various species of monkeys that are found in different parts of the world and how they impact on the life of the locals, my family decided that next holiday destination will be to a place habituated by different species of monkeys apart from Macaca

Thursday, July 25, 2019

School Playgrounds Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

School Playgrounds - Essay Example The more dynamic modern play has more emphasis on adaptations and innovations. While encouraging inter-ethnic friendship and a vibrant oral culture, break time gives children the chance to explore the boundaries of their gendered experience within a safe conservative environment. Children ought to have the right to play and to choose what they play, which gives them a chance to put their dreams into action. The loss of play for fun has resulted to disillusionment and depression. The absence of challenge in the 'remodeled' playgrounds limits creativity, explorations, practice and fosters the development of attitudes that imply shying off from the face of challenges and taking risks. "It is through play that children explore their environment encountering numerous challenges to personal competence that involve decisions for risk-taking behavior" as argued by Jambor (1986). This freedom denial has not only resulted to the absence of fun but also risks the social health of the children. Break time is important for academic achievement, a more healthy development and maturity of peer relations and for general school adjustment. The reasons for limiting play and the increased adult supervision are inclined on affording more time for academic excellence, fears of developing negative peer relations and aggression by providing the children chances to exhibit antisocial behavior. (Pellegrini and Blatchford: 2002) The exposure to physical dangers while children play under trees, in tackling games, playing within school buildings, jumping off playground equipment or playing in wet areas must be controlled and guided. Conflicts and petty squabbles can arise, teasing and name calling, taunting and bullying and even violent incidents such as the murder of a British Asian boy in a Manchester Secondary School playground showing that violence, possibly racially motivated could erupt in playgrounds. Concerns also arise with students' behavior that could arise over the break and spill over into the school. (Blatchford: 1989) Break time has a positive 'educational value' in the sense that the longer children work on standardized tasks with no break the less attentive to the task they become and so breaks facilitate improved attention and focus on learning in the academic program (Pellegrini: 2005) This can be explained by the massed vs. distributed practice theory which explains that breaks inserted between periods of intense work help distribute effort and increase cognitive performances. (Bjorklund and Pellegrini: 2000). The playground at break time is the place where pupils interact on their own with minimal adult interference and they consider this time significant and enjoyable. Here, they play and meet friends in cooperative interaction involving governed games with their peers. Games are particularly important at the commencement of the school year when peers are not familiar with each other, but the knowledge of the rules of some common game forms the basis for interaction after which they become familiar which results to an interaction in the other domains. (Pellegrini and Blatchford: 2002) During recess periods, students learn to resolve conflicts, solve problems, negotiate, and work with others without adult intervention and also serves as a developmentally appropriate strategy for reducing

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Marketing in Aisa Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Marketing in Aisa - Essay Example Reinvestment of profits in R&D, manufacturing and supplying chain activities are clear winning strategies to compete with companies like Sony, GE, and Intel etc. Being a quality player as well as introducing innovative products without losing cost effectiveness is prime focus for most companies. The brand image of Samsung is not well known in international markets. Increasing the brand visibility and strength in technology products will help Samsung to be top in the market place. Global marketing and building the brand in the international market place is one of the main challenges a Chief Marketing Office. As a path to achieve high profitability and be one of the top players in the international consumer goods market Samsung has to develop strategies regarding efficient market planning and attract several consumer segments. 1. SEC's turnaround strategy during the Asian Crisis has really helped to change the way the business operated before. The crisis has pushed SEC to change its business model and develop a system that will be resilient to competition and sudden changes in future. This has made SEC to distinguish from its competitors. The "New management Initiative" by then president is intended to put SEC as a global business leader. This initiative has included some key strategies like These are some o Downsizing the wor

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Performance Excellence in Business Operations Essay

Performance Excellence in Business Operations - Essay Example A broad strategy involving minimisation of energy use and climate change impact, a reduction in emissions into the environment, better resource management through recycling and avoidance of substances of concern for the automobile is now necessary for the automobile industry. Automakers must ensure acceptance for their products and diversify fuels used for automobiles. Practical implementation of the automobile industry strategy for the future must involve implementation of environmental control systems based on the ISO 14001, greening of production and logistics, consideration of the vehicle life cycle and a reduction in energy used for manufacturing automobiles. Waste recycling, together with a reduction in the use of water for manufacturing and minimisation of harmful products into the environment supports the desired environmental strategy. Design and innovation focusing on fuel efficiency, recycling, reduction in tailpipe emissions, avoidance of substances of concern and use of renewable resources and materials for automobiles must continue to shape and help sustain the future. Major automobile manufacturers around the world continue to emphasise on the previously mentioned efforts to ensure a future for the automobile, but a certain emphasis is lacking for the following: Serious and concerted efforts to design vehicles that operate on stored electric energy, perhaps because this will require a radical departure from the automobile concept as we know it when profits and economics still makes sense. Efforts to make the servicing and maintenance of automobiles present lower environmental impacts. Although legislation now constrains automobile manufacturers to assume responsibility for recycling automobile components and automobiles at the end of service life, manufacturers have avoided presenting clearly how they intend to do this. Thus, it is not yet clear if recycling and reclamation of automobile parts and automobiles will not have complex environmental i mpacts that may exacerbate the environmental impact of the automobile over its life cycle. Contents Part 1: Research Report Introduction 1 Approaches to Environmental Management for the Automobile Industry 2 Operational Aspects of Environmental Management for the Automobile Industry 5 End-of-Life Regulation and Recovery Technology for Automobiles 10 Best Practices for Environmental Management in the Automobile Industry 13 Conclusion 17 Bibliography / References 20 List of Figures Figure 1: Product Environmental Performance Indicators for an Automobile Spare Part 9 Figure 2: Toyota’s Environmental Action Plan 15 Part 2: Personal Reflection on Team Presentations Introduction 27 Reflections 28 Conclusion 32 Bibliography / References 33 (This page intentionally left blank) Part 1: Research Report Introduction In the present day and age, the automotive industry must confront the twin threats of economic and environmental pressures (Wells, 2010, Pp. 1 – 10). According to Wel ls (2010, Pp. 1 – 10), not only is the world now recovering from a burgeoning economic slowdown, but also the pressures imposed on the planet by human activities is now reaching critical levels with threats to the environment and the ecosystem compounding problems. The future presents a broad decline in fossil fuel production and a decline in natural reserves to satisfy the vivacious appetite of humanity. With more than one billion vehicles populating earth, the globe is accelerating towards the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Slaughterhouse Five Essay Example for Free

Slaughterhouse Five Essay Slaughterhouse-Five explores fate, free will, and the illogical nature of human beings. Protagonist Billy Pilgrim is unstuck in time, randomly experiencing the events of his life, with no idea of what part he will next visit. Billy Pilgrim says there is no free will, an assertion confirmed by a Tralfamadorian, who says, Ive visited thirty-one inhabited planets in the universe. Only on Earth is there any talk of free will. The storys central concept is that most of humanity is insignificantthey do what they do, because they must. To the Tralfamadorians, everything simultaneously exists, therefore, everyone is always alive. They, too, have wars and suffer tragedies (they destroy the universe whilst testing spaceship fuels), but, when Billy asks what they do about wars, they reply that they simply ignore them. The Tralfamadorians counter Vonneguts true theme: life, as a human being, is only enjoyable with unknowns. Tralfamadorians do not make choices about what they do, but have power only over what they think (the subject of Timequake). Vonnegut expounds his position in chapter one, that writing an anti-war book is like writing an anti-glacier book, both being futile endeavours, since both phenomena are unstoppable. Like much of Vonneguts other works (e.g., The Sirens of Titan), Slaughterhouse-Five explores the concept of fatalism. The Tralfamadorians represent the belief in war as inevitable. In their hapless destruction of the universe, Vonneguts characters do not sympathize with their philosophy. To human beings, Vonnegut says, ignoring a war is unacceptable when we have free will; however, he does not explicitly state that we actually have free will, leaving open the possibility that he is satirizing the concept of free will as a product of human irrationality. This human senselessness appears in the climax that occurs, not with the Dresden fire bombing, but with the summary execution of a man who committed a petty theft. Amid all that horror, death, and destruction, time is taken to punish one man. Yet, the time is taken, and Vonnegut takes the outside opinion of the bird asking, Poo-tee-weet? The same birdsong ends the novel God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater. Slaughterhouse-Five is framed with chapters in the authors voice, about his experience of war, indicating the novel is intimately connected with his life and convictions. That established, Vonnegut withdraws from the unfolding of Billy Pilgrims story, despite continual appearances as a minor character: in the POW camp latrine, exiting the train at Dresden, the corpse mines of Dresden, when he mistakenly dials Billy’s telephone number. These authorial appearances anchor Billy Pilgrim’s life to reality, highlighting his existential struggle to fit in the human world.