Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The Four Forms of Competencies and Healthcare Administrators

The Four Forms of Competencies and Healthcare AdministratorsCompetencies and Healthcare Administrators Sample Essay are a format by which health care administrators can make the transition to a career in healthcare, especially those who have experience in the profession but would like to take on the challenges that come with being an administrator. The format is based on the concept of competencies. Competencies are rated using four forms of performance.Competencies in Medical Decision Making - Patients and health care providers view many aspects of medical care and treatment, such as decision making, in terms of competencies. This is where most of the analysis comes in because the success or failure of the patient's treatment or care depends on how well the clinician understood the patient's needs and what the goals of the treatment were. The administrator needs to be able to articulate his or her own personal decisions and be able to communicate them to the patient as clearly as po ssible.Competencies in Administrative Operations - The administrator may choose to focus on the administration side of things. It can be as simple as paperwork. They may have a list of duties that need to be completed but this does not necessarily mean that they can handle the workload. The competence assessment is designed to determine if an administrator has the organizational skills to succeed in their current position.Competencies in Interpersonal Skills - Both clinicians and patients view competencies as areas that make a difference between a successful and a failed treatment or care. With that said, the success of the interaction also varies from one person to the next. A competency is assessed on how an administrator relates to the patients and their families. In addition, it is also assessed on how a clinician responds to the different demands of patients and families.Competencies in Health Care Administration - People are very focused on their work. They want to make a diff erence and do a good job. In order to achieve those results, the competency assessment includes a question on the type of staff members that are available to you, and the amount of training they have received.As stated previously, competencies can be rated using four styles of performance. The ability to communicate clearly is rated by where the communicator's voice falls on a ten-point scale. The ability to effectively listen and respond to the needs of the patient is rated by where the communicator's vocal inflection falls on a ten-point scale.Competencies and Healthcare Administrators are rated based on how competent the clinician is in the three areas mentioned above. In addition, the competency can be assessed on how comfortable the clinician is with their work environment, with the medical profession, and with their colleagues. The personality aspect of the competency is assessed by the clinician's sense of self-worth. The competency can also be assessed on the communicative s kills of the administrator, especially how the communicator manages conflict and reacts to new situations in a timely manner.These are just a few examples of competencies and healthcare administrators that can be scored on. There are other areas where a competency can be assessed. This will provide more information for those looking to become an administrator or for those already working in this field, to help in their research of what they may wish to take on.

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